Saturday, May 11 2024


Flossing is one of the most important steps you can take to maintain healthy teeth and gums. It’s also one of the most effective ways to prevent gum disease and tooth decay, which are two common oral health problems.
Flossing removes plaque from between your teeth, where it builds up over time if not removed regularly. Plaque is a soft film made up of bacteria and food debris that sticks to the sides of your teeth. If left on the teeth long enough, this buildup can cause cavities or gum disease (also known as periodontitis).

How Flossing Works

Flossing is a simple way to improve your oral health. It removes plaque and food particles from between the teeth, which can cause gum disease if left untreated. Flossing also helps prevent bad breath by removing bacteria from the tongue and cheeks that cause odor-causing compounds called volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs).
Flossing should be done once a day for two minutes or longer if needed, preferably after brushing your teeth but before rinsing with water or mouthwash.

Flossing Alternatives

If you’re not a fan of flossing, there are alternatives that can help you get the job done. Water flossers are an excellent option for those who have difficulty using traditional dental floss. These devices use pressurized water to clean between teeth and below the gumline in much the same way as regular dental floss does. They’re also easy to use, especially if you have arthritis or other mobility issues that make it difficult for you to hold onto traditional dental floss.
Interdental brushes are another alternative to traditional dental flossing; they work by removing food particles from between teeth instead of from below gums like regular dental picks do (which is why they’re called “interdental”). You may want to try these out if water picks aren’t available where you live–they’re much less expensive than most other types of oral hygiene products on today’s market!

Flossing for Kids

Flossing for kids is important for many reasons. It helps to prevent cavities and other dental problems, but it also teaches them good habits that will last them a lifetime.

If you want your child to get into the habit of flossing, there are some things you can do:

  • Choose a relaxed time when they are not rushed or stressed out. This will make it easier on everyone involved!
  • Follow basic tips like brushing twice daily with fluoride toothpaste, eating healthy foods (that don’t include sweets), drinking plenty of water throughout the day and visiting us at least twice per year for checkups so we can make sure everything stays clean!

Flossing with Braces

Flossing with braces is a little different than flossing without them. You want to make sure that you are using the right type of floss and keeping it in good condition, as well as making sure that you’re doing it correctly.

  • Choose the right type of floss: There are several different types of dental floss available on the market today, but they all have one thing in common–they’re made from nylon or Teflon fibers that help remove food particles between teeth and under gums when used properly. If you have sensitive gums or any other issues with using traditional waxed dental tape then try unwaxed silk thread instead; this type works just as well at removing plaque but doesn’t irritate sensitive tissues like waxed products do!
  • Insert between two brackets: Once chosen make sure not bend too much while inserting into mouth because this could cause damage later down line (eek!). Instead gently push through opening so there’s enough space between each bracket before pulling upwards towards top jawline



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